2013년 6월 28일 금요일

With my mentor and mentees

The last dinner with my mentor who is a president of  ^^* It was so nice dinner. Beautiful night view from big window, delicious foods and helping lessons from my mentor ^^* Thank you, mentor :)

Playing the bowling

Playing the bowling with my friends.
I am too bad about bowling. Really wanna learn it !!!!!!!! Anyway it was fun ♥

With my best friend Diane and her boy friend ^^

We ate 샤브샤브 which is the soup, beef and vegetables at lunch time. We can soak up the beef and vegetables in the soup. So awesome. And we ate 족발 which is the paw of the pork. It is totally awesome !! delicious♥♥♥

2013년 6월 26일 수요일

Qingdao in China

Since vacation starts, I went to Qingdao in China.
Qingdao is really close from Seoul, Korea.
It takes only 1 hour and 10 min.
Qingdao was sad city to me becasue Germany colonies Qingdao at first, and later Japan also did. But thanks to Germany, Qingdao is famous of beer like Germany.

06. 26. 2013.

A certain bad daughter.

Sometimes, I think I am too pathetic. I depend on my mom a lot. I always require money to mom and do behave as I want. As for my sister, she got a job when she was 23 years old. Now, I am thinking about going to America to enjoy and spend money again. I am gonna graduate and get a job in 25 years old.. Even.. I dont have a plan about my job. Am I a good daughter? I hope I can know the job I really want.

06. 26. 2013.